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2-я волна МЭК началась, через 2 месяца доллар упадет к рублю в 44 раза

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  1. 1. Мнение Панарина о тренде укрепления российского рубля

    • верное, хотя с ценой 67 коп за 1 дол в феврале 2010г можно поспорить
    • информационная утка перед укреплением американского доллара на 2-й волне МЭК, чтобы граждане срочно поменяли доллары и евро на рубли
    • сам в растерянности, не знаю какой из 2-х вариантов верный

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Вот интересная статья популярного на западе Роберта Кийосаки об углублении кризиса.




On the cover of the October 19, 2009 issue of "Time" magazine ran this headline: "Why It's Time to Retire the 401(k)." The cover picture was ominous, showing a 401(k) sinking like the Titanic.


I recommend reading this entire article, especially if you do have a 401(k). My concern is that the flaws of this retirement plan will grow into personal tragedies as the first of approximately 75 million baby boomers retire, leading to the biggest stock market crash in history.


But in spite of the apparent problems with the 401(k) plan, the darlings of financial media continue to tout its benefits. The same month "Time" ran its article, "More" magazine's financial guru, Jean Chatzky, wrote an article about using low-interest savings to pay off high-interest credit cards. In the article she states, "There's no better guaranteed return on your money (except, perhaps, a 401(k) match)."


Countering Jean's wisdom of "no better guaranteed return," the "Time" article stated, "At the end of 1998, the average 401(k) balance was $47,004. By the end of 2008, the average balance was down to $45,519." If that is a great guaranteed return, I'm glad I don't have a 401(k). The "Time" article pointed out that $100 in 1998, after inflation, was worth about $73 in 2008, a loss of $27 after ten years. So whom do you believe..."Time" or "More" magazine?


If you are unsure as to whom (and what) to believe, the "Time" article made two more statements worth considering. They are:


1. "The older you are the riskier a 401(k) gets."


2. "Forty-four percent of all Americans are in danger of going broke in their post-work years."


Now, I can hear some of you saying, "But the stock market is going back up. Green shoots are appearing. Everything is fine. The crash was just a correction." For those optimists among you: I wish that all of your dreams come true and you live happily ever after.


I do not criticize the 401(k) plans just to criticize. I write because I am concerned. Let's say "Time" magazine's estimates are correct. Let's say 44 percent of all Americans will go bankrupt after retirement. For approximately 75 million baby-boomers preparing to retire, that means 33.8 million of them will go bust once they stop working. To me, this is disturbing.


While many think the financial crisis is over, I believe the worst is yet to come. In spite of the green shoots in the stock market, the fundamentals of the U.S. government are worsening. I doubt Social Security can afford the avalanche of retiring baby boomers. The Social Security fund is empty, underfunded by approximately $10 trillion. For the first time in 35 years, Social Security will not pay a cost of living increase. And Medicare is projected to face a shortfall as well, of between $65 and $85 trillion.


In 2009, interest payments on our national debt are about $380 billion, which is $1 billion a day in interest. At the same time, the national debt is projected to climb to $20 trillion by 2012, which means the U.S. will have to borrow money just to make the interest payments.


I know the Federal Reserve Bank can continue to print more and more money...but city and state governments cannot. This means your city and state taxes will have to go up. If you think your property taxes are high now, just wait five years. I predict that, even if your home's value does not go up, property tax rates will, and higher taxes will do wonders for property values. This means people counting on their home as their biggest asset may be disappointed.


In 1913, when the Fed was created, and in 1971, when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard, the ultra rich were allowed to siphon off our wealth -- via our own money, the very thing we work hard for and do our best to save. In other words, with every dollar the Fed prints, our wealth is being drained via increased taxes, debt, inflation, and savings.


A Cash Heist


There are four expenses that keep the poor and middle class struggling financially. They are:


1. Taxes -- both apparent and hidden


2. Debt -- mortgages, credit cards, and student loans.


3. Inflation -- rising food and fuel costs


4. Retirement plans -- 401(k) and savings


It is via these four expenses that the rich get richer. In other words, all four of these expenses are a cash heists, the ways the rich use the government to get into our pockets, draining us of our wealth.


The Silver Lining


The silver lining of all this: With a more sophisticated financial education, rather than have taxes, debt, inflation, and retirement accounts as drains on a person's wealth, a person can convert those government-sponsored expenses into elements that work in one's favor. By using the same rules of money the rich use, those four expenses will make you richer. In other words, taxes, debt, inflation, and not needing a retirement plan can make you richer if you use different rules of money. As stated earlier, in 1971 Nixon changed the rules -- and so should you.


In closing, the 401(k) has a few good points...but not good enough, in my opinion, given the financial challenges that lie ahead.

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Топ авторов темы

Вот интересная статья популярного на западе Роберта Кийосаки об углублении кризиса.




On the cover of the October 19, 2009 issue of "Time" magazine ran this headline...



С удовольствием расценю Вашу точку зрения, но пока с Англицким туговато. Может выложили бы перевод, хотя бы в вольном стиле. :wink:

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Модераторы скрыли ряд сообщений.

* не провоцируйте политические и национальные разногласия, которые объективно существуют между странами и очень не хотелось бы, чтобы они коснулись слушателей Академии, отвлекая их от торговли на форексе

* поэтому договаривались - о своей стране разрешено писать и негатив и позитив, о ДРУГОЙ стране - только позитив.

* не отвлекайтесь на мелочи

* см. как работает землячество Республики Беларусь Академии и как наши новости цитируют и обсуждают другие СМИ. Яндекс открывает целые страницы под наши новости


* точно так же, вы, начав работу по своему землячеству, сможете писать новости, полезные для трейдеров и граждан других стран, которые вы напрямую будете доносить миру. Зачем вам сиюминутные споры и разногласия?

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Вот интересная статья популярного на западе Роберта Кийосаки об углублении кризиса.




On the cover of the October 19, 2009 issue of "Time" magazine ran this headline: "Why It's Time to Retire the 401(k)." The cover picture was ominous, showing a 401(k) sinking like the Titanic.


I recommend reading this entire article, especially if you do have a 401(k). My concern is that the flaws of this retirement plan will grow into personal tragedies as the first of approximately 75 million baby boomers retire, leading to the biggest stock market crash in history.


But in spite of the apparent problems with the 401(k) plan, the darlings of financial media continue to tout its benefits. The same month "Time" ran its article, "More" magazine's financial guru, Jean Chatzky, wrote an article about using low-interest savings to pay off high-interest credit cards. In the article she states, "There's no better guaranteed return on your money (except, perhaps, a 401(k) match)."


Countering Jean's wisdom of "no better guaranteed return," the "Time" article stated, "At the end of 1998, the average 401(k) balance was $47,004. By the end of 2008, the average balance was down to $45,519." If that is a great guaranteed return, I'm glad I don't have a 401(k). The "Time" article pointed out that $100 in 1998, after inflation, was worth about $73 in 2008, a loss of $27 after ten years. So whom do you believe..."Time" or "More" magazine?


If you are unsure as to whom (and what) to believe, the "Time" article made two more statements worth considering. They are:


1. "The older you are the riskier a 401(k) gets."


2. "Forty-four percent of all Americans are in danger of going broke in their post-work years."


Now, I can hear some of you saying, "But the stock market is going back up. Green shoots are appearing. Everything is fine. The crash was just a correction." For those optimists among you: I wish that all of your dreams come true and you live happily ever after.


I do not criticize the 401(k) plans just to criticize. I write because I am concerned. Let's say "Time" magazine's estimates are correct. Let's say 44 percent of all Americans will go bankrupt after retirement. For approximately 75 million baby-boomers preparing to retire, that means 33.8 million of them will go bust once they stop working. To me, this is disturbing.


While many think the financial crisis is over, I believe the worst is yet to come. In spite of the green shoots in the stock market, the fundamentals of the U.S. government are worsening. I doubt Social Security can afford the avalanche of retiring baby boomers. The Social Security fund is empty, underfunded by approximately $10 trillion. For the first time in 35 years, Social Security will not pay a cost of living increase. And Medicare is projected to face a shortfall as well, of between $65 and $85 trillion.


In 2009, interest payments on our national debt are about $380 billion, which is $1 billion a day in interest. At the same time, the national debt is projected to climb to $20 trillion by 2012, which means the U.S. will have to borrow money just to make the interest payments.


I know the Federal Reserve Bank can continue to print more and more money...but city and state governments cannot. This means your city and state taxes will have to go up. If you think your property taxes are high now, just wait five years. I predict that, even if your home's value does not go up, property tax rates will, and higher taxes will do wonders for property values. This means people counting on their home as their biggest asset may be disappointed.


In 1913, when the Fed was created, and in 1971, when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard, the ultra rich were allowed to siphon off our wealth -- via our own money, the very thing we work hard for and do our best to save. In other words, with every dollar the Fed prints, our wealth is being drained via increased taxes, debt, inflation, and savings.


A Cash Heist


There are four expenses that keep the poor and middle class struggling financially. They are:


1. Taxes -- both apparent and hidden


2. Debt -- mortgages, credit cards, and student loans.


3. Inflation -- rising food and fuel costs


4. Retirement plans -- 401(k) and savings


It is via these four expenses that the rich get richer. In other words, all four of these expenses are a cash heists, the ways the rich use the government to get into our pockets, draining us of our wealth.


The Silver Lining


The silver lining of all this: With a more sophisticated financial education, rather than have taxes, debt, inflation, and retirement accounts as drains on a person's wealth, a person can convert those government-sponsored expenses into elements that work in one's favor. By using the same rules of money the rich use, those four expenses will make you richer. In other words, taxes, debt, inflation, and not needing a retirement plan can make you richer if you use different rules of money. As stated earlier, in 1971 Nixon changed the rules -- and so should you.


In closing, the 401(k) has a few good points...but not good enough, in my opinion, given the financial challenges that lie ahead.

Повсей видимости 401(К) есть местное прозвище пенсионного фонда.

Так это и у нас такая же проблема.Безопасная и безбедная кормушка для власть имущих.

И перспективы одинаковые,как у пенсионной системы ,так и у "среднего класса".

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Мнение интересное, высказано представителем - Дипломатической академии МИД России, обучающей всех дипломатов РФ (будем знать что профессора политологии(??) в Дипломатической академии МИД РФ рассказывают на лекциях дипломатам о форексе).

Очень интресное мнение, я сейчас учусь на 5-м курсе в данном вузе... Правда, данного дяденьку ни разу не встречал

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МВФ приступает к рыночной продаже золота





Международный валютный фонд (МВФ) приступает к рыночной продаже золота. Как объявила в среду пресс-служба МВФ, такие операции начнутся в скором времени. Точные сроки при этом не называются.


Согласно пресс-релизу, речь идет о втором этапе программы, предусматривающей продажу в общей сложности 403,3 тонн золота для пополнения ресурсов Фонда. Ранее в рамках первого этапа 212 тонн металла были проданы напрямую центральным банкам Индии, Маврикия и Шри-Ланки. МВФ, не исключает, что прямые внерыночные продажи центральным банкам или другим официальным держателям золота могут производиться и впредь.


Что касается рыночной реализации металла, она будет производиться в соответствии с ранее достигнутой международной банковской договоренностью, позволяющей МВФ продать до двух тысяч тонн золота за пять лет, начиная с сентября 2009 года. В пресс-релизе подчеркивается, что приоритетом в работе будет постепенность, направленная на то, чтобы избегать рыночных потрясений. Всего в рамках программы Фонду остается реализовать 191,3 тонны золота, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.


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Американский законодатель предложил заменить доллар золотом http://news.rambler.ru/Russia/head/5395580/

Позволит ли ЦУП это сделать? А может МВФ начинает продажу сырья странам для новых денег?

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Новость о продаже МВФ золота на открытом рынке.


Осмелюсь предположить две причины этих торгов:

- либо в МВФ меняют один из основных активов на нечто более ценное (на то, что может стать ценно в течении некоторого времени). Это - гипотеза.

- либо это очередное вытряхивание денег, из желающих сохраниться в золоте, перед тем как тренд вверх по этому металлу резко развернеться против них. Если я правильно понимаю, новости для 95% тех, кто проиграется.

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